Teacher, Hooligans

14-April-2024 Sunday
How young teachers of the 90s raised a bully

29-November-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The student provoked and insulted the teacher for a long time. The adult teacher couldn’t stand it and showed who was in charge in the class.”

28-November-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “The student provoked and insulted the teacher for a long time. The adult teacher couldn’t stand it and showed who was in charge in the class.”

28-November-2023 Tuesday
The student provoked and insulted the teacher for a long time. The adult teacher could not stand it and showed who was in charge in the class

15-April-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post "Guardian of Justice"

14-April-2023 Friday
Reply to the post "Guardian of Justice"

03-October-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "How I tried to become an auto mechanic"

16-September-2022 Friday
Interestingly, and now in schools they give bad students bail to good ones?

02-November-2021 Tuesday

01-September-2021 Wednesday
Reply to the post "How to quickly become a teacher's pet"

01-September-2021 Wednesday
How to quickly become a teacher's pet

11-October-2019 Friday
How to bring teachers

21-June-2019 Friday
Relative of the famous French writer and young teacher

31-May-2019 Friday
school technical

16-November-2018 Friday
Education of hooligans in the schools of the USSR

21-June-2018 Thursday

14-June-2018 Thursday

01-November-2017 Wednesday
Memory failed

27-June-2017 Tuesday
Enough tolerating this!
