Ufa, Prices

19-April-2024 Friday
A selection of (not) cheap tickets to capture the May holidays! We fly to Belarus, Kazakhstan, China and Japan

26-December-2023 Tuesday
SanyaSar's answer to Remember, this is what an egg shortage looks like. Without Turkish supplies we have no Khan"

17-November-2023 Friday
Lunch at the airport canteen

26-December-2022 Monday
Strange trend with underground garages

23-March-2022 Wednesday
In Ufa, everyone ate sugar

18-June-2021 Friday
Swap potatoes for bananas

11-May-2019 Saturday
The history of the closure of Tsentrobuv in my city.

07-October-2018 Sunday
Farmland - prices on the website

24-December-2017 Sunday
Crazy discount or return the old price.

16-July-2016 Saturday
Promptly cover expenses.

28-June-2016 Tuesday
My "dear" neighbors! What scope, what prowess! :)

28-May-2016 Saturday
And someone lives on this money for a whole month ...

22-February-2016 Monday
Well, how is it, over the hill?

21-May-2014 Wednesday
The most common TV

23-February-2014 Sunday
Meanwhile, gasoline prices have fallen in Ufa

14-July-2013 Sunday
Here I found a decent movie in Ufa ... The first session, oddly enough, 5o rubles!

28-April-2013 Sunday
Impact on fuel prices
