Ukraine, Yasynuvataya

20-January-2018 Saturday
The war is not in the news.

21-July-2017 Friday
A woman was injured, houses were destroyed.

26-December-2016 Monday
Life under the sound of shots.

24-December-2016 Saturday

01-August-2016 Monday
After the shelling of Yasinovataya, a battery of howitzers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine exploded, in Donetsk a shell burned down a residential building

26-July-2016 Tuesday
Ukraine deployed Lithuanian mercenaries near Yasinovataya and Donetsk

30-May-2016 Monday
The dumbest rally in the world

15-April-2016 Friday
Donbass with Texas. Issue 4: Yasinovatsky Machine Plant

01-April-2016 Friday
Donbass with Texas. Issue 2: Yasinovatsky checkpoint (full version)

25-March-2016 Friday
Battles near Yasinovataya

07-November-2014 Friday
Refutation of rumors about the battles in Yasinovataya.

06-October-2014 Monday
Punishers do not stop shelling peaceful neighborhoods.

23-August-2014 Saturday
Yasinovataya: Hello Poroshenko from the militias

23-August-2014 Saturday
Yasinovataya. The central district hospital was destroyed.

20-August-2014 Wednesday
Yasinovataya. And the administration allegedly captured by dill ...

18-August-2014 Monday
Don't trust dill. Yasinovataya not taken!

18-August-2014 Monday
Militias. Photo report from the fronts of New Russia.

10-July-2014 Thursday
Need information!

15-April-2014 Tuesday
