Labor Relations, Economy
Page 4

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20-June-2024 Thursday
Working Poland continues to shrink. The country has become the European leader in layoffs

19-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “What’s wrong with the economy? The country is fucked?

18-June-2024 Tuesday
Gipermaster's answer to “What's wrong with the economy? The country is fucked?

18-June-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “What’s wrong with the economy? The country is fucked?

18-June-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “What’s wrong with the economy? The country is fucked?

17-June-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “What’s wrong with the economy? The country is fucked?

17-June-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “What’s wrong with the economy? The country is fucked?

17-June-2024 Monday
The unions have won! It was promised to return the indexation of pensions to workers

16-June-2024 Sunday
What about the economy? The country is fucked?

15-June-2024 Saturday
The Ministry of Labor took into account the opinion of trade unions on the organization of work activities of teenagers

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Trauma at minus eighteen. Children in the United States work in hazardous industries, suffer health problems and drop out of school

11-June-2024 Tuesday
The dates for the start of indexation of pensions for working pensioners have been announced

07-June-2024 Friday
Mikhail Shmakov: trade unions have been seeking indexation of pensions for working pensioners for more than eight years

01-June-2024 Saturday
The union lost to Mercedes. Workers at the largest US auto plant refused to join the industry trade union

31-May-2024 Friday
A number of enterprises will receive subsidies for attracting employees from other regions

24-May-2024 Friday
Deputy Chairman of the FNPR considers the idea of ??shortening the working week for women untimely

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