Texas, Ukraine

30-May-2024 Thursday
The Pentagon is building a plant to produce 155mm shells for Ukraine

19-April-2024 Friday
Sputnik correspondent Russell Bentley died in Donetsk

28-January-2024 Sunday
Poligraf Poligrafovich

27-January-2024 Saturday
11 point "World Formula"

08-May-2022 Sunday
In Texas, in some places they include 1 dollar “for Ukraine” in the bill, without even asking or warning customers

08-February-2017 Wednesday
Texas on Givi's death

15-April-2016 Friday
Donbass with Texas. Issue 4: Yasinovatsky Machine Plant

01-April-2016 Friday
Donbass with Texas. Issue 2: Yasinovatsky checkpoint (full version)

19-January-2016 Tuesday
Texas at the Electrician

07-December-2015 Monday
Donbass with Russell Bentley. Issue 1: Spinner (announcement)

27-August-2015 Thursday
"Masters congratulate their slaves on their freedom"...

11-August-2015 Tuesday
In response to a post. Love is Texas!

28-July-2015 Tuesday
Texas Answers Graham Phillips Uncensored Questions

09-July-2015 Thursday
Battalion "Khan" in training!

25-June-2015 Thursday
Meeting of two wonderful guys :)

22-June-2015 Monday
An American fights shoulder to shoulder with the DPR militias

20-June-2015 Saturday
Happy birthday Texas!

12-June-2015 Friday
Graham Phillips: "I tried to record an interview with Texas today!"

08-June-2015 Monday
Reporting Texas Under Fire

31-January-2015 Saturday
Separatists from Texas, Venice and the Basque Country are waiting in the DPR

16-December-2014 Tuesday
US help

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Washington titties!
