Dark matter, Dark Energy

22-May-2024 Wednesday
Crisis of the quantum model of the Universe. From the book "Pulsating Universe" by Nikolai Gorky

09-June-2021 Wednesday
New vision of the picture of the world

30-January-2020 Thursday
Fantastic version of the formation of our universe

18-March-2017 Saturday
A couple more words

12-January-2016 Tuesday
The invisible side of the universe

02-August-2015 Sunday
News from the cutting edge of science.

05-July-2015 Sunday
Dark matter and dark energy

31-July-2014 Thursday
A Little Bit of the Universe

11-May-2014 Sunday
In search of dark matter

06-February-2014 Thursday
What's next for the universe?

01-December-2013 Sunday
Science does not stand still
