Theatre, Studies

09-May-2024 Thursday
How my classmates and I almost ended up bald in a theater show

05-May-2024 Sunday
Discipline that gets you expelled from theater students just as much as acting

18-November-2022 Friday
Thank you unknown little boy

09-June-2019 Sunday
Summer has begun, but the term paper did not even think

16-February-2019 Saturday
Help with practice survey

07-September-2015 Monday
My attempt number 2.

06-September-2015 Sunday
Good luck, Peekaboo.

06-June-2015 Saturday
I want to share my work with you

27-November-2014 Thursday
Theater of the Russian Army from the inside

18-October-2014 Saturday
Bolshoi Theater from the inside.

26-May-2014 Monday
After 6 years of study at the directing department)

19-January-2014 Sunday
I sit, study tickets and see... No wonder XD

29-October-2013 Tuesday
Theater as the meaning of life.

28-October-2013 Monday
Theater as the meaning of life.
