Catfish, Yandex Zen

25-June-2024 Tuesday
Somy: We don't let them ripen. Leave them alone for 80 years, and the rivers will be filled with monsters weighing over 300 kg.

14-August-2023 Monday
Glass catfish: A fish that discovered invisibility. It is almost completely transparent, but shimmers with a rainbow in the light. Why?

04-May-2023 Thursday
Changeling Catfish: Swims belly up 90% of the time. So this catfish "vacuums" not only the bottom, but also the surface of the river

13-November-2022 Sunday
Spotted Agamix Catfish: A fish that can "talk". She yells at her opponents, and communicates with her relatives by drumming.

28-October-2022 Friday
Mekong giant catfish: One of the largest freshwater fish in the world weighing under 300 kilos! But she has no teeth. And mustache too

21-October-2022 Friday
African Clary Catfish: The Waterfowl Super Soldier. Lives without water for two days and adapts to even the harshest conditions

16-January-2022 Sunday
Catfish Gunch: A monster from the muddy rivers of Asia. He is accused of hunting people, but it seems that everything is not so simple.

11-January-2022 Tuesday
Electric catfish: An unpleasant surprise for an angler. A fish that hunts, defends itself, and even swears with an electric shock.

18-September-2020 Friday
Chain Catfish: Armored tank fish. How do aggressive rocky rivers warp creatures?
