Screenshot, Camera

20-January-2024 Saturday
How did you survive?

07-December-2022 Wednesday
I don't know where to buy the first camera

23-October-2022 Sunday
I knew about the registration of radios and typewriters. There was also registration of cameras

14-February-2022 Monday
Who stole the camera?

01-January-2022 Saturday
Tycoon photographer

04-October-2019 Friday

27-February-2019 Wednesday
Parents resist

06-September-2018 Thursday

07-March-2018 Wednesday
Photographer from God

23-October-2017 Monday
Zenit-TTL made me think how funny and politically correct it is to joke about him ...

03-October-2017 Tuesday
When you received an answer, but still didn’t understand at all =)

06-January-2014 Monday
Screenshots of life!

13-December-2013 Friday
Detailing in Grand Theft Auto V

25-July-2013 Thursday
Not a bad gift

28-June-2013 Friday
And how to answer here?

28-May-2013 Tuesday
A humanitarian takes a screenshot

17-March-2013 Sunday
I saw comments about the camera on one electronics site
