Zionism, Ukraine

10-January-2024 Wednesday
When I subscribed to the anti-adviser cart

04-February-2017 Saturday
Zionists and Ukrainian patriots

10-January-2016 Sunday
Jewish triumph in Ukraine

04-January-2016 Monday
Zionist George Soros: All Russian Nazis and Anti-Semites

20-October-2015 Tuesday
Gena Korban knows a lot about PR.

30-September-2015 Wednesday
Kosher sector

25-March-2015 Wednesday
Two worlds: guess the melody.

23-November-2014 Sunday
Ukrainian general: "Ukraine was occupied by the Zionists"

15-September-2014 Monday
Sheikh Imran explains the situation in Ukraine very intelligibly to those who do not understand

04-September-2014 Thursday
Many of you are wondering what the hell is going on in Ukraine, look at it with different eyes - nationalists.

12-August-2014 Tuesday
Adepts of Israel and the Ukrainian Junta - for the destruction of the South-East and Palestine ...

11-August-2014 Monday
Israeli military about his "exploits" ...
