Deal, USA

03-August-2023 Thursday
The United States gave Russia security guarantees in case of a return to the grain deal

03-April-2022 Sunday
Iran said it was close to an agreement with the United States on a nuclear deal

24-July-2021 Saturday
The end of another American legend" (no, but what, people like catchy headlines)

27-March-2020 Friday
Current situation in the USA))

24-June-2019 Monday
Meeting point - Jerusalem

19-September-2018 Wednesday
City for sale.

04-April-2018 Wednesday
An elderly billionaire has lost his voice and at meetings communicates through the iPad with the phrases “Yes”, “No” and “Fuck you”

18-February-2016 Thursday
The woman accused the US government of colluding with the devil

02-July-2014 Wednesday
6 years ago, on the show "Deal or No Deal" (in Russia this show was called "Deal"), the participant did not recognize her sister among my
