Saudi Arabia, Террористы

16-December-2021 Thursday
Beggars of Saudi Arabia

30-July-2018 Monday
Saudi Arabia and UAE want to annex the Yemeni province of Hadhramaut

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Trump has promised to eliminate terrorism and has now secured a contract to supply weapons to those same terrorists worth more than 1/3 trillion dollars.

15-May-2016 Sunday
Change of priorities

21-February-2016 Sunday
Bashar al-Assad: 80 countries support terrorists

19-February-2016 Friday
Riyadh is considering the possibility of supplying missiles to the Syrian opposition

16-February-2016 Tuesday
Riyadh announced its readiness to supply the Syrian opposition with powerful weapons

04-October-2015 Sunday
Russia has tyranny, but the United States and its allies have true mercy

14-May-2015 Thursday
Foreign Policy Diary - War in Syria

08-November-2013 Friday
Saudi Arabia intends to spend millions of dollars on new detachments of Syrian militants.
