Media and press, Falsification

09-October-2023 Monday
Fake Diaries of Adolf Hitler

09-April-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "Falsification of the date of Maxar satellite images in Bucha"

09-April-2022 Saturday
Falsification of the date of Maxar satellite imagery in Bucha

14-December-2021 Tuesday
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the State Holodomor Museum deliberately falsify the number of victims of mass starvation in the Ukrainian SSR

21-December-2019 Saturday
Traffic police are printing fines on you without your presence!!! Corruption and counterfeiting

22-December-2018 Saturday
Der Spiegel. Klaas Relotius lost his journalistic awards for using fakes in his materials.

16-May-2018 Wednesday
Washington Post: U.S. from satellite spotted the falsification of the economic growth of Russia and China
