Russia, CIA
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04-April-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Another American journalist refers to an “informed source” about the terrorist attack in Crocus - Seymour Hersh”

03-April-2024 Wednesday
Another American journalist refers to an “informed source” regarding the terrorist attack in Crocus - Seymour Hersh

26-February-2024 Monday
Continuation of the post “Are the lines really that indicative?”

28-January-2024 Sunday
The British tabloid The Telegraph told a heartbreaking story that competes for the “Russophobia of the Month” prize.

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The CIA shot a promotional video to recruit Russians - the creativity of American intelligence officers is amazing”

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The CIA shot a promotional video to recruit Russians - the creativity of American intelligence officers is amazing”

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The CIA shot a promotional video to recruit Russians - the creativity of American intelligence officers is amazing”

23-January-2024 Tuesday
The CIA shot a promotional video for recruiting Russians - the creativity of American intelligence officers is amazing

23-October-2023 Monday
The Washington post, citing sources, reports that the murder of Daria Dugina was organized by the Security Service of Ukraine

01-July-2023 Saturday
US CIA director William Burns claims that the situation in Russia provides great opportunities for recruiting agents

13-June-2023 Tuesday
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spoke out on a grand scale about the Nord Stream bombing: “I just can’t talk about it”

06-May-2023 Saturday
Trojan horse of cultural freedom. Part XV. Intoxicating counterculture music

17-January-2023 Tuesday
Naryshkin called possible a new meeting with the head of the CIA

23-November-2022 Wednesday
We recruited from an ad: the CIA is looking for traitors for the vacancy of a spy

29-September-2022 Thursday
Underwater terror. The historian recalled the US undermining the underwater pipeline in Nicaragua

19-May-2022 Thursday
Special operations as a tool of war against Russia

04-May-2022 Wednesday
The CIA published instructions on the Russian on the transfer of information to US intelligence

07-April-2022 Thursday
The more I read the news, the more trust I have in this book.

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