Russia, SSP

12-October-2015 Monday
Why is there a mess in the country

05-June-2015 Friday
According to recent events

27-March-2015 Friday
About Russian armor and the prospects for Syria.

22-March-2015 Sunday
Washington is trying with all its might to prevent peace in Ukraine.

20-March-2015 Friday
The Pentagon is concerned about Russia's plans to significantly increase the range of its cruise missiles.

12-March-2015 Thursday

15-February-2015 Sunday
Hey Europe!

02-February-2015 Monday
Briefly about Western democracy

19-September-2014 Friday
After visiting Poroshenko USA.

16-August-2014 Saturday
If true, that explains a lot.

13-August-2014 Wednesday
Tag frequenter: Ukraine, Russia, War, UWB

11-August-2014 Monday
retaliatory sanctions)

30-July-2014 Wednesday
EU tightens sanctions against Russians

27-July-2014 Sunday
#Russia 2030 - what will happen# - and this is in 2010

18-July-2014 Friday
The United States declared Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia "military allies" without NATO.

06-July-2014 Sunday
The West has forgotten what the Russian note of protest means

28-May-2014 Wednesday
America...America...Empires come and always go.

27-May-2014 Tuesday
The most terrible secret of Russian gas is revealed!

08-May-2014 Thursday
And in the end, the knowledge of English ended

10-April-2014 Thursday
Peekaboo question?

11-March-2014 Tuesday
We are waiting for sanctions

04-March-2014 Tuesday
A look at the looking glass
