Russia, Surkov

27-February-2022 Sunday
Reflections on Peace and War

26-November-2021 Friday
Continue reading Vladislav Surkov: Where did the chaos go? Unpacking Stability

25-November-2021 Thursday
The mutinous desires of the citizens

20-November-2021 Saturday
Surkov said about the threat of destabilization in Russia

24-April-2019 Wednesday
Surkov called the issuance of Russian passports to residents of Donbass a fair step

03-March-2019 Sunday
I'll analyze Surkov's article, Where he lied to us again.

01-March-2018 Thursday
Surkov proposed to name the new weapon of Russia "Givi"

27-October-2016 Thursday
Deep analytics. Surkov, Boeing, Donbass and much more.

26-October-2016 Wednesday
The expert called the letters from the second hacked mail Surkov genuine

21-January-2016 Thursday
Meeting of country "elites" in Kaliningrad and their goals

30-October-2015 Friday
Vladislav Surkov no longer oversees Donbass?

12-October-2015 Monday
SBU intercepted negotiations between Surkov and Zakharchenko

23-February-2015 Monday
Donbass in the Kremlin is supervised by Surkov

23-February-2015 Monday
Everything was so

07-October-2014 Tuesday
From Surkov's tweet

18-September-2014 Thursday

10-September-2014 Wednesday
Thoughts on the results of the Novorossiya drain in Minsk

21-August-2014 Thursday
Why, to whom and for what "revolutions" are needed ..

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Surkov's Propaganda is back!

18-March-2014 Tuesday
Vladislav Surkov responded well!

17-March-2014 Monday
The United States arrested the assets of Matvienko, Surkov, Glazyev, Rogozin, Slutsky, Klishas, ??Mizulina.
