Russia, USA vs USSR

12-October-2022 Wednesday
Why do you think it will work now? Cold War 2.0

17-April-2022 Sunday
Gold words

29-March-2022 Tuesday
Vladimir Pozner answers the question "Why do They not like Americans in Russia and call them Pindos"?

20-May-2021 Thursday
Having lived for several years in the USA, he returned to Russia... And he did not regret it!

25-March-2017 Saturday
USSR Through the Eyes of an American (1932).

15-September-2016 Thursday
Russia versus the USA, In the framework of the Heartland-Rimland theory

20-May-2016 Friday
How did the USA fight the USSR?

13-January-2016 Wednesday
Familiar record 82 years ...

09-September-2015 Wednesday
USSR, which we did not lose

20-September-2014 Saturday
But what if Russia went down this path?

30-October-2013 Wednesday
Special operation "Gorbachev".

02-September-2013 Monday
DALLES PLAN. US National Security Council Directive 20/1 of August 18, 1948
