Parents and children, Bullying at school

21-May-2024 Tuesday
NEETKILLER's response to "Strange behavior of mother-in-law"

24-February-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “Here are the “children” for you. Beating of a child in an Almaty kindergarten by other children"

11-December-2023 Monday
About life and respect for other people's values ??and interests

10-December-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “Don’t touch my children, or how the mother of dragons woke up”

09-December-2023 Saturday
In the wake of posts about bullying

09-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Don’t touch my children, or how the mother of dragons woke up”

09-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Don’t touch my children, or how the mother of dragons woke up”

09-December-2023 Saturday
Don't touch my children, or how the mother of dragons woke up

07-December-2023 Thursday
More about bullying (toxic opinion about parents and commentators)

22-September-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “How to solve the problem of bullying?”

08-October-2022 Saturday
And on the wave, and not on the wave of posts about inadequate at school

10-September-2022 Saturday
About the insufficiency of "delivering a blow" to a child to protect himself from bullying at school instead of full-fledged boxing training. Boxing pros and cons

18-September-2019 Wednesday
Don't offend your classmates
