Pasting, Расклейка объявлений
11-July-2019 Thursday
What happens if the ad is torn down?
01-April-2019 Monday
Continuation of the post.
01-April-2019 Monday
Place your bets on who's first?
20-March-2019 Wednesday
Is this even legal?
22-February-2019 Friday
Announcement in the Moscow metro
18-November-2018 Sunday
European cleanliness and gender equality
14-June-2018 Thursday
Insolent stickers of advertising from Cargotaxi
11-June-2018 Monday
The fight against stickers
07-March-2018 Wednesday
Pasted over all the entrances "Urgent key"
19-June-2017 Monday
On the eve of the 2018 World Cup.