Prime numbers, Economy

18-March-2023 Saturday
Bankruptcy of neoliberalism // Dialogue. Komolov & Kirbireva

15-July-2022 Friday
KOMOLOV: about the return of socialism, the advantages of the collapse of the USSR, and where to get the new Lenin

05-July-2022 Tuesday
Imperial flashbacks, or everyday life of the raw material periphery // Oleg Komolov. prime numbers

03-May-2022 Tuesday
Europe all? Rafael Abdulov // Fundamentum #23

20-April-2022 Wednesday
Crisis in numbers

20-March-2022 Sunday
Sanctions. What's next? Rafael Abdulov // Fundamentum #22

08-March-2022 Tuesday
What's happening in the world

15-January-2022 Saturday
The incomes of the richest 10% of the population increased by 171%. Incomes of the poorest 50% of the population decreased by 15%

07-January-2022 Friday
The main deficit of the XXI century. The market has not decided // Oleg Komolov. Primes

26-July-2020 Sunday
When will progress eradicate poverty? Rafael Abdulov // Fundamentum #7

05-May-2020 Tuesday
What do economics textbooks lie to you about? Rafael Abdulov // Fundamentum #1
