Industry, Socialism

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post ““He worked for the good of the Motherland, and not for his own pocket...” What did they do in the USSR under Comrade Stalin?”

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post ““He worked for the good of the Motherland, and not for his own pocket...” What did they do in the USSR under Comrade Stalin?”

10-June-2024 Monday
“He worked for the good of the Motherland, and not for his own pocket...” What did they do in the USSR under Comrade Stalin?

10-April-2024 Wednesday
Competitiveness as a false goal

01-April-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “The bourgeoisie paid them pennies, but they lived in bestial conditions...” The hard life of ordinary workers in Russia under Nicholas II...”

22-March-2024 Friday
“Lenin started, and Stalin finished...” How the Bolsheviks wisely made the USSR the most powerful superpower!

22-July-2023 Saturday
“Let’s make our enemies work for our good…!” How did Stalin cunningly turn the Soviet Union into a world superpower?

03-July-2022 Sunday
I have an idea for one project: Battle of the Industries

20-June-2022 Monday
People's Congress of Kazakhstan - the path to socialism?

29-October-2021 Friday
Dzerzhinsky on the role of industry

03-August-2020 Monday
Dzerzhinsky about the heroes of labor under socialism

21-June-2019 Friday
[Pravda 1950]: The Path to Mastery
