Incident, Chelyabinsk region

13-January-2024 Saturday
At a ski resort in the Chelyabinsk region, a ski lift almost killed a small child

10-September-2022 Saturday
Chelyabinsk traffic police inspectors saved a pregnant woman, and then came to her for discharge to the hospital

16-August-2022 Tuesday
Chelyabinsk rescuers found SUP boarders in trouble

31-July-2022 Sunday
The driver arranged a fiery extravaganza at a gas station in the city of Yemanzhelinsk, Chelyabinsk region

29-October-2019 Tuesday
"Monsters live inside us." Records of a mother from the Urals who left her baby to die

03-March-2019 Sunday
"The older one was still wheezing." Details of the fire in the Urals, which killed three children
