Provocation, Media and press

04-May-2024 Saturday
Is it true that Simferopol doctors are complaining about a shortage of medicines in medical institutions?

30-April-2024 Tuesday
A resident of Crimea died due to a lack of diabetes medication: true or fake?

14-April-2024 Sunday
In the Zaporozhye region, schoolchildren are forced to use notebooks with the image of the President of the Russian Federation - true or fake?

07-March-2024 Thursday
Flashlights with explosives are being scattered in the regions of the Russian Federation - true or fake?

24-November-2023 Friday
There will be explosions and armed attacks in Russian schools - true or fake?

27-May-2023 Saturday
Rogov warned about the risk of Ukrainian provocation at the Zaporozhye NPP

07-August-2022 Sunday
The waiter who drove the Ukrainian family out of a cafe in Montenegro revealed the details of the incident. Truth

05-May-2022 Thursday
TAC: U.S. Challenges Russian National Identity

04-April-2022 Monday
"Corpses that litter everything around." The whole world is discussing photos from Bucha after the departure of Russian troops

04-April-2022 Monday
Why did the "terrible" footage from the Ukrainian city of Bucha appear only four days after the withdrawal of Russian troops?

18-March-2022 Friday
Continuation of the scandal on the First Channel

10-March-2022 Thursday
Lies about mariupol "maternity hospital"

01-February-2022 Tuesday
British journalists were "caught" filming a "bloody" provocation in the DPR

28-November-2021 Sunday
Ukrainian journalist who is not a member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shoots in the direction of Donbass

07-October-2021 Thursday
Post for minuses, I didn’t give a shit about the rating. Don't you think we're being pitted?

18-May-2021 Tuesday
A soldier throws a grenade at a group of wounded and medics, but

31-January-2017 Tuesday
German newspaper accused Kyiv of escalating the conflict in Donbass
