Example, Dog

10-June-2024 Monday
In Turkey, a woman kidnapped rabid dogs and released them on the streets of Ankara

09-July-2023 Sunday
Bipedal dog teaches another dog with the same birth defect how to walk

22-March-2023 Wednesday
On my own example

18-December-2022 Sunday
A bipedal dog teaches a younger dog with the same birth defect to walk

20-April-2022 Wednesday
Do like me

03-March-2022 Thursday
Cats won't teach good things

24-September-2021 Friday
Even overwanted

30-August-2021 Monday
Golden Child

07-August-2020 Friday
After surviving a fire, he is now being trained to become a therapy dog ??for burn victims!

02-April-2020 Thursday
The nicest boy

06-December-2018 Thursday
Illustrative example

11-August-2017 Friday
Look, it's not scary at all

15-July-2016 Friday
Dog with glasses is cooler!!!

06-November-2015 Friday
Sometimes dogs are smarter than humans...
