Prime Minister, Japan

11-April-2024 Thursday
In the reflection of the lenses of Biden's famous glasses, no less famous cheat sheets are clearly visible

15-April-2023 Saturday
Explosions near Japanese Prime Minister's speech

31-December-2022 Saturday
Kishida says world is approaching historic crossroads for international order

08-July-2022 Friday
In Japan, an attack was made on the former prime minister

08-July-2022 Friday
Video of the assassination attempt on former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

08-July-2022 Friday
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attacked during a speech in the city of Nara

03-July-2022 Sunday
Kishida said that the mechanism for limiting the price of oil in the Russian Federation should reduce its cost by half

23-December-2016 Friday
Japanese Prime Minister's motorcade moves into motion

28-April-2016 Thursday
A man hits Japanese Prime Minister (1941-1944) Tojo Hideki on the head during a trial.
