Right, Conscription

21-July-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “Here we are. A new bill to raise the draft age from 21 to 30!”

21-July-2023 Friday
Response to the post “The State Duma Committee approved an amendment on a fine of 50 thousand rubles. for failure to appear in the military registration and enlistment office "

12-May-2023 Friday
How I won the court against the military registration and enlistment office and the draft commission and collected another 70,000

13-April-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "On some points of changes in the Federal Law" On military duty and military service ""

13-April-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "On some points of changes in the Federal Law" On military duty and military service ""

13-April-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "On some points of changes in the Federal Law" On military duty and military service ""

12-April-2023 Wednesday
Response to the post "On some points of changes in the Federal Law" On military duty and military service ""

12-April-2023 Wednesday
About some moments of changes in the Federal Law "On military duty and military service"

09-February-2023 Thursday
How to get on the military register and avoid punishment?

08-February-2023 Wednesday
Fraudsters have become more active under the brand "PrizyvaNet"!

10-October-2022 Monday
The case of a full-time student being called up for military service

01-April-2022 Friday
Conscription of visitors to the army of the Russian Federation!

27-December-2021 Monday
Submission of additional documents by the conscript when issuing admission to state secrets

27-December-2021 Monday
On how to cancel the decision of the draft board on conscription for military service, if tests have not been passed

21-December-2021 Tuesday
Reimbursement of transportation costs associated with the passage of a medical examination, (control) medical examination
