Truth, Link

06-August-2023 Sunday
List of Telegram Channels

05-April-2022 Tuesday
Don't even dare try to delete the post.I'll go for anything I can and can't do to spread it.

22-June-2015 Monday
About the situation on the Internet.

18-February-2015 Wednesday
Two stars in our solar system.

02-January-2015 Friday
Roma Acorn sued the community in VK because of the avatar uploaded by the community

24-October-2014 Friday
CyberBerkut hacked Kyiv advertising billboards

16-September-2014 Tuesday
Anatoly Shary.

22-August-2014 Friday
I always thought that channel 112 was double agents, I haven't read such subtle jokes for a long time:

15-August-2014 Friday
How Robin Williams Really Died

11-August-2014 Monday
That feeling ...

07-May-2014 Wednesday
the tragedy of May 2 Odessa, please add everyone who has photos and videos for this day to this group, thank you in advance

19-April-2014 Saturday
March of Truth in Moscow.

23-March-2014 Sunday
simple truth

13-January-2014 Monday
In all serious, destroy the myths.

30-November-2013 Saturday
Inventor of Evil

13-November-2013 Wednesday
Russia may adopt a tough anti-alcohol project. First of all, it will be directed against the use of alcohol by schoolchildren.

19-October-2013 Saturday
How migrants took revenge on Russia
