Poetry, Stalin

31-December-2023 Sunday
145 years of J.V. Stalin

01-December-2023 Friday
Forward to communism, comrade!

05-September-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Reply to the post "Famous Relative""

09-December-2022 Friday
Forward to communism, comrade!

04-November-2022 Friday
Stalin's novice | The last poem by I.V. Stalin, which was saved

02-March-2022 Wednesday
"I know how to do it!"

06-January-2020 Monday
Poetry from I. V. Stalin

11-October-2017 Wednesday
A ruler that deserves a monument

23-February-2016 Tuesday
To the 125th anniversary of Osip Mandelstam

18-April-2015 Saturday
What are the thoughts during intimacy:

15-January-2015 Thursday
Alexander Galich. "He doesn't know how!"

08-October-2013 Tuesday
A minute of art on peekaboo

19-August-2013 Monday
And your truth is not needed
