Damage to property, Hooliganism

08-May-2022 Sunday
Ruslan.rio's answer to “Children ooh ... have become impudent to the edge from their impunity, and people also indulge in this!”

07-May-2022 Saturday
Reply to the post “Children ohu ... have become impudent to the edge from their impunity, and people also indulge in this!”

10-January-2022 Monday
Response to the post "Ohoo children... have become emboldened by their impunity, and people are also indulging in this!"

10-January-2022 Monday
Response to the post "Ohoo children... have become emboldened by their impunity, and people are also indulging in this!"

10-January-2022 Monday
Ohoo children... brazen to the edge from their impunity, and people are also indulging in this!

28-August-2021 Saturday
Saturday - you don’t need to go to work, you can drink, and play a little hooligans, and even light up on the net. The hero is searched for by firefighters, searched by the police...

23-September-2020 Wednesday
DVR against a violent neighbor

01-August-2019 Thursday
Pensioners cut soccer balls to teenagers with a knife because of the noise under the windows

26-July-2018 Thursday
How cars are smashed in Serebryanye Prudy (Moscow region), but this post is not about that.
