Police, Black

07-August-2019 Wednesday
The police led a black man on a rope through the city and apologized

17-June-2019 Monday
Phoenix cops nearly shoot a black woman with a baby...

24-September-2018 Monday
Dallas police fired woman who shot black man

31-March-2018 Saturday
In the US, the pathologist said that the police fired seven shots in the back of an African American

24-June-2017 Saturday
In the US, a police officer shot his black colleague, thinking he was a criminal

15-February-2017 Wednesday
Black parents explain to their children how to deal with the police.

11-February-2017 Saturday
Baltimore cops release shocking body camera footage

16-January-2017 Monday
There's a difference between a nigga and a black man

13-July-2016 Wednesday
Authorities in the Bahamas, UAE and New Zealand urge citizens to be careful when traveling to the US

12-July-2016 Tuesday
Obama says Dallas cops saved many lives

07-July-2016 Thursday
Two cases of police killings of black men occurred in the United States at once

21-January-2015 Wednesday
Run Nigga Run

07-January-2015 Wednesday
American police officer accidentally shot himself with his own gun

05-December-2014 Friday
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
