Politics, Savushkina 55

07-January-2018 Sunday
Good job. (The work of the troll factory on Youtube IS VISIBLE [backup])

09-August-2017 Wednesday
Savushkina 55

09-September-2016 Friday
A former employee of the company from Savushkina Street talks about how life works inside the lair of "Olginsky bots"

07-September-2016 Wednesday
Exposing the Kremlinbots. Payback times are coming.

07-September-2016 Wednesday
How long will this last?

26-July-2016 Tuesday
Putin's troll from the street.

04-July-2015 Saturday
Kremlinbots/Olgintsy/Savushkintsy on peek-a-boo and other resources

06-June-2015 Saturday
Marat Mindiyarov on Savushkina 55
