Petro Poroshenko, Yanukovych
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28-March-2024 Thursday
Folk nicknames. What were the Ukrainian presidents called by the people?

20-February-2024 Tuesday
It turned out what is behind the myth of the “Heavenly Hundred”

01-April-2022 Friday
As a comment to the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations

03-February-2021 Wednesday
Ukraine: the rise and fall of Zelensky

05-November-2020 Thursday
Correspondent (Ukraine): why the thief’s hat is on fire, or how Crimea was “lost”

25-May-2019 Saturday

18-June-2018 Monday
Poroshenko will return the presidency to Yanukovych

21-February-2018 Wednesday
Justice and censorship in Ukrainian

09-January-2018 Tuesday
Could it be otherwise?

30-April-2017 Sunday
Wheel of Genotba as a perpetual motion machine of the Ukrainian world.

28-April-2017 Friday
Poroshenko told how Yanukovych's $1.5 billion will be spent.

11-April-2017 Tuesday

18-February-2017 Saturday
Ukrainian officer tells the truth

27-November-2016 Sunday
Question for conscious (Svidomo) Ukrainians.

21-October-2016 Friday
Savchenko offered Poroshenko to return the presidency to Yanukovych

21-October-2016 Friday
Another "zrada" from Savchenko)

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