Pentagon, CIA

06-December-2023 Wednesday
The main threat to humanity comes from terrorist organizations such as the CIA and MI6. When will they finally be recognized as terrorists?

02-September-2023 Saturday
Sensation of the century! The whole truth about UFOs!

13-April-2023 Thursday
How to hack the Pentagon in 1 minute

23-December-2022 Friday
Following Twitter, Facebook/Meta was also at the center of the scandal.

06-July-2022 Wednesday
The Pentagon has created an organization of 60,000 people to manipulate social networks.

24-December-2017 Sunday
Understanding the history of the UFO video from the Pentagon

01-September-2017 Friday
The CIA and the Pentagon interfered with the production of Hollywood films and TV shows

25-June-2017 Sunday
A small master class from the founders (founders) and distributors (implementers around the world) of corruption

12-May-2016 Thursday
A month ago, all of Nibiru said that it would send SMS for her.

09-June-2015 Tuesday
Odnoklassniki page blocked

27-May-2013 Monday
photoshop 80 lvl
