Patriots, Song

19-March-2024 Tuesday
Patriotic songs - in the school curriculum!

07-February-2024 Wednesday
Citizen Cadet & Andrei Guchkov Don’t play with the Motherland, my boys

22-September-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “Inspired by PATRIOTism”

17-September-2023 Sunday
There was a whiff of PATRIOTism

25-April-2016 Monday
Just a great song.

09-February-2016 Tuesday
Patriotic song - enough Western shit!!!

03-February-2016 Wednesday
Song of the Patriot

22-June-2014 Sunday
These two people from Donbass conquered a small recreation center of a small town in the Russian Federation. Now they are refugees. But they believe that they will soon become citizens...

03-March-2014 Monday
Mark Bernes - Enemies burned their own hut

22-November-2013 Friday
For the National Selection Round of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014
