Patriotism, Saint Petersburg

07-October-2022 Friday
DoktorBuhlo’s answer to “Kaliningraders propose to purchase first-aid kits and drones for mobilized countrymen instead of the New Year tree for 56 million rubles”

09-September-2022 Friday
Igor Rasteryaev: Have you been to Murino? Near Petersburg?

27-November-2018 Tuesday
Homework "letter to father at the front" brought a St. Petersburg fourth-grader to tears

27-May-2017 Saturday
Mechanical Patriot vs Biological Patriot. City Day in St. Petersburg.

20-June-2015 Saturday
Anthem of the Russian Federation

06-May-2015 Wednesday
Patriotism and sobriety

05-May-2015 Tuesday
Liberals are outraged. The wall newspaper is not according to their patterns.

06-March-2015 Friday
Expel the Consul of Spain in St. Petersburg from the country

27-June-2014 Friday
It's Peter, baby :) "Grandfather told the German not to wash"

10-June-2014 Tuesday
Patriotism and common sense
