Parody, Work

11-May-2024 Saturday
When you not only voice a spider, but also play it, bringing it to life - to the delight of children! Emergency emergency in one word

11-September-2023 Monday
Not a priority

30-October-2021 Saturday
Am I right or not? (story in text)

28-October-2021 Thursday
Being a boss isn't easy either.

28-October-2021 Thursday
How I worked as an investigator

14-April-2021 Wednesday
Briefing by Admin and Moderators Peekaboo

31-March-2021 Wednesday
When I decided to get a job in the Pikabu team

07-August-2016 Sunday
Stressful Job Interview [Parody]

19-August-2015 Wednesday
Better late than never

01-August-2014 Friday
Everyone is dancing ** yami
