Parking, Yandex.

19-April-2024 Friday
How to stop throwing scooters around

25-April-2023 Tuesday
Yandex glitch with scooter parking

23-April-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post "Yandex does not care"

28-September-2022 Wednesday

25-December-2021 Saturday
Yandex, how is that?

02-August-2021 Monday
Yandex, how is it?

15-March-2019 Friday
Pikabu in the top of Yandex news

14-September-2018 Friday
The cleverest

07-June-2017 Wednesday
Newsletter #229: Yandex.Navigator has learned to search for free parking spaces

27-September-2016 Tuesday
"New service from Yandex Taxi."

23-January-2015 Friday
Parking masters or how to place 28 planes
