Parking, Taxi driver

13-May-2024 Monday
Give Delimobil a button “Submit car sharing right here and go home”!

15-March-2024 Friday
Friday and what does that mean?

09-February-2024 Friday
Question for expert drivers working in Moscow

04-December-2023 Monday
Order navigation is the bane of the aggregator

03-November-2023 Friday
About zero, phase and why it is important to park properly

20-August-2022 Saturday
Where to correct the situation?

10-February-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "There is still faith in people"

04-February-2022 Friday
Rules for paxoids in TAXI from the dominant TAXI driver

25-June-2019 Tuesday
My first post in 6.5 years on Pikabu... Looking for a backpack

04-November-2018 Sunday
The taxi driver did not give up his seat at the hospital

06-April-2018 Friday
I justify and I don't justify

21-December-2017 Thursday
Probably a very lucrative place...

30-October-2017 Monday
Parking and taxi driver

29-July-2016 Friday
Night. The street. Lamp.

08-December-2015 Tuesday
About what not to do
