Memo, Traffic rules

29-January-2024 Monday
Continuation of the post “Traffic Light”

02-June-2023 Friday
Les.ka's answer to "Setting the right priorities for a big city (where there is no place for a personal car)"

02-June-2023 Friday
Response to the post "Setting the right priorities for a big city (where there is no place for a personal car)"

02-June-2023 Friday
Response to the post "Setting the right priorities for a big city (where there is no place for a personal car)"

17-September-2021 Friday
Pedestrian Reminder Flyer

03-May-2018 Thursday
Brief reminder to the cyclist on the road

05-October-2017 Thursday
Be beautiful! Be solid!

18-April-2017 Tuesday
Memo of the traffic police, so as not to fall for the "bred" from the traffic police

19-September-2016 Monday
The Moscow Department of Transport issued a memo for motorcyclists
