Postponement, Deferment from the army

23-July-2023 Sunday
Will I receive a deferment after deduction?

20-April-2023 Thursday
Respite from an army with an ulcer, can they give 2 respite in a row?

26-October-2022 Wednesday
Fathers of disabled children will receive exemption from mobilization, regardless of the number of children

25-September-2022 Sunday
Continuation of the post "What to expect for graduate students who have served urgently?"

29-August-2019 Thursday
Is the deferment from full-time army training lost when entering a full-time job with continuing full-time training?

17-August-2019 Saturday
I took the documents from the university, will they give a deferment?

10-March-2019 Sunday
State Duma: equalization of students in the right to deferment from the army.

05-January-2019 Saturday
Question about the army of Kazakhstan

16-June-2018 Saturday
Will the deferment from the army be lost when transferring from one institute to another and to another specialty?

22-February-2018 Thursday
25 years no registered, WB and desire to serve in the army

03-July-2016 Sunday
PSG expulsion and postponement
