Peculiarities, A selection

24-October-2023 Tuesday
What is the norm in your country but raises eyebrows in the rest of the world?

12-August-2023 Saturday
Response to the post “What did you consider normal about yourself until you were pointed out to it?”

11-August-2023 Friday
What did you consider normal about yourself until it was pointed out to you?

02-July-2023 Sunday
What are the unspoken bans in your countries?

21-December-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post "When did you realize your ancestors were a little weird?"

20-December-2022 Tuesday
When did you realize that your ancestors were a little weird?

04-December-2022 Sunday
What's the weirdest thing you spend a lot of money on?

13-October-2022 Thursday
What do you think is the biggest flaw in our body?
