Desecration, Politics

19-May-2022 Thursday
In Norilsk, a man was arrested for a video with the burning of St. George's ribbon

21-April-2022 Thursday
Nazis in Germany desecrated the memorial to Soviet soldiers

03-June-2021 Thursday
Meanwhile, the opposition responds in its own way to the tragedy in Baranovichi

27-March-2021 Saturday
New culture of liberators

07-July-2019 Sunday
About dancing on the bones of the dead.

03-November-2017 Friday
In Kyiv, the Poles were accused of barbarism

23-January-2017 Monday
Holodomor 1933. Unlearned lessons of history

27-November-2016 Sunday
Why is this Polish nit still in Russia. Beware of profanity!

07-May-2015 Thursday
A supporter of the theory of God's chosen Ukrainians was instructed to control the ministry
