Voiced by himself, Futurama
21-September-2024 Saturday
Futurama 9.06 "Attack of the Clothes"
28-August-2024 Wednesday
Futurama 9.05 "Some are silicon, others are gold"
23-August-2024 Friday
Futurama 9.04 "Beauty and the Bug"
15-August-2024 Thursday
Futurama 9.03 "Changeling"
07-August-2024 Wednesday
Futurama 9.02 "Quid Game"
30-July-2024 Tuesday
Futurama 8.11 "One Amigo" (my voice acting)
15-April-2024 Monday
Mazila from Nizhny Tagil | Movie
10-April-2024 Wednesday
The Simpsons Guy
28-September-2023 Thursday
Futurama 8.10 "All the Way Down"
18-September-2023 Monday
Friends! We voiced Futurama (season 8, episode 8)
13-September-2023 Wednesday
Friends! We voiced Futurama (season 8, episode 7)!
23-August-2023 Wednesday
Futurama 8.05 "Viewing with this product"
09-August-2023 Wednesday
Futurama. How the west was 1010001
24-July-2023 Monday
1 episode of the new season of Futurama
23-July-2023 Sunday
Continuation of the post "New Futurama (trailer in Russian)"
27-June-2023 Tuesday
New Futurama (trailer in Russian)