Expectation and reality, Chocolate

14-January-2022 Friday
Is hazelnut whole? Integral! Not fooled

11-September-2018 Tuesday
"... and you - candied, candied!"

17-March-2018 Saturday
Chocolate with orange healthy person and smoker (right)

11-September-2016 Sunday
Expectation and reality

28-June-2016 Tuesday
Expectation is reality. Or chocolate with almonds without almonds.

17-June-2015 Wednesday
Seemed triangular

05-May-2015 Tuesday
I was so happy in the store that I found Happiness!

17-February-2015 Tuesday
I saw "Mercy" on the table. Until I opened it, I already ate the last one in my thoughts :(

29-January-2015 Thursday
Expectation and reality, as they say .. :)

18-February-2014 Tuesday
from the section "expectation and reality"

01-January-2014 Wednesday
Bananas in chocolate
