Reservations, USA

09-June-2024 Sunday
Biden made another trademark slip, complaining that Iraq had to wait too long for American help, referring to Ukraine

06-March-2024 Wednesday
Master of the American Erection

11-January-2024 Thursday
“Trump caused an erection”: Democrat Pramila Jayapal misspoke during a speech in the US House of Representatives

05-August-2022 Friday
What happens if you mix up the English words "honor" and "horror"?

27-April-2021 Tuesday
The "Biden slips" column is desperately seeking to become a regular feature.

16-April-2021 Friday
Biden mixed up Putin's last name in a speech about Russia

27-March-2020 Friday
Current situation in the USA))

17-October-2016 Monday
Freud's slips

10-July-2015 Friday
ISIS is depressed, or a Freudian slip...

12-March-2014 Wednesday
Freudian slip
