news, Dodgers

18-June-2024 Tuesday
Sber has released a new application in the App Store

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Military police in Ukraine will financially “motivate” citizens to report draft evaders and deserters

04-June-2024 Tuesday
Hard mobilization

14-April-2024 Sunday
In western Ukraine, draft dodgers run and swim to avoid war (The New York Times)

25-March-2024 Monday
Interior Minister Efros: Moldova will help Ukraine fight the flight of citizens from mobilization

29-October-2023 Sunday
In Moscow, 22 criminal cases were opened against migrant evaders

12-January-2023 Thursday
Corporal from Ufa sentenced to 5 years in prison for evading military service during a special operation

02-October-2022 Sunday
Drunk Russians fight near a nightclub in Uralsk: instigators arrested

27-September-2022 Tuesday
Kazakhstan allowed the extradition of defendants in criminal cases to Russia for evasion

25-September-2022 Sunday
Three Russians evading partial mobilization detained in Kazakhstan

03-August-2019 Saturday
Among those detained at the rally on July 27 were 134 evaders from the army

03-August-2018 Friday
The evasive larvae didn't waste chemical burps on enemies. And survived

23-August-2017 Wednesday
Conscript fined for evading medical examination
