New job, Dismissal

07-May-2024 Tuesday
New old job

07-May-2022 Saturday
How I quit my old job and moved from Moscow to the countryside to work as a teacher!

08-February-2022 Tuesday
Dismissal from work

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "Trudovik resigned!"

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "Trudovik resigned!"

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Trudovik resigned!

07-January-2022 Friday
Response to the post "Who dared to leave an unloved job for nowhere?"

14-December-2021 Tuesday
Response to the post "There's something about it..."

06-December-2021 Monday
How to Quit Your Old Job

01-May-2019 Wednesday
Now I'm not afraid to change jobs

22-September-2018 Saturday
Reminder upon dismissal

09-January-2014 Thursday
Peekaboo, please help!!
