Nikolay Valuev, Politics

01-May-2023 Monday
"The British sent a group of snipers to the city of Sarajevo during the civil war in Yugoslavia" Dejan Beric

19-October-2022 Wednesday
Did not have time...

03-October-2022 Monday
Deputy Valuev spoke about the mass exodus from the country of "fags" and "hipsters"

08-March-2022 Tuesday
Valuev, Warrior Z

07-March-2022 Monday
Response to the post "Chelubey with Peresvet"

07-March-2022 Monday
Response to the post "Chelubey with Peresvet"

06-March-2022 Sunday
Chelubey with Peresvet

05-March-2022 Saturday
"The whole world has thrown off masks"

12-January-2022 Wednesday
Nikolay Valuev headed the Expert Council on Specially Protected Natural Areas under the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

12-January-2022 Wednesday
Valuev headed the expert council under the Ministry of Natural Resources

20-October-2021 Wednesday
State Duma deputy Valuev about the victory of Team Spirit at TI10

29-May-2017 Monday
"Not just a man, but a human being!"

12-July-2015 Sunday
State Duma deputies and the head of the city of Kirov eat food, and riot police hold back the watching people
