Nerves, Sobriety
24-October-2024 Thursday
itad32's answer to "My husband is a beer alcoholic"
22-October-2024 Tuesday
AlSicario's answer to "My husband is a beer alcoholic"
22-October-2024 Tuesday
AlSicario's answer to "My husband is a beer alcoholic"
01-September-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "DAMN, why am I so mad because my boyfriend wants to drink?"
01-September-2024 Sunday
DAMN, why am I so mad because my boyfriend wants to drink?
07-August-2023 Monday
NERVES, NERVES or how does alcohol affect your nervous system?
10-January-2021 Sunday
Sober life. How to recover
05-January-2021 Tuesday
I quit alcohol. what will help?