Unusual, Vegetables

28-June-2019 Friday
When form is more important than content

12-September-2018 Wednesday
Sliced ??black tomato

27-September-2015 Sunday
Unusual decoration for the fence

16-February-2015 Monday
Amazing fantasy on the theme of hybrids of vegetables and fruits

09-September-2014 Tuesday
Tomato o_o

06-September-2014 Saturday
Since everyone is bragging about their unusual harvest (:

06-September-2014 Saturday
Based on http://pikabu.ru/story/_2635846

14-June-2014 Saturday
Put a strawberry?

15-December-2013 Sunday
An interesting plant.

21-August-2013 Wednesday
damn tomato ;)

18-March-2013 Monday
Carrots are such carrots
